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The State Key Laboratory of Sensor Technology was established in 1987 with the approval of the State Planning Commission, and passed the national acceptance in 1989. It is the first State Key Laboratory established in the field of sensor technology in China. The current laboratory director is Researcher Cheng Jiangong; The Chairman of the Academic Committee is Academician Wu Yirong.

The laboratory is composed of two bases and four professional sites in the north and south, and the laboratory management office is located at the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The southern base is supported by the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the northern base is supported by the Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The four specialties are optical sensor specialty (located in the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), thick film sensor specialty (located in the Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machinery, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Gas detector specialty (located in the Semiconductor Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Biosensor professional site (located in the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences).

The main research field of the laboratory is micro/nano sensors and microsystems based on microelectronics technology and micro/nano processing technology. The laboratory focuses on researching core sensing technologies and high-performance sensors based on new principles, materials, methods, and technologies, developing integrated, intelligent, and networked sensor systems, breaking through key technologies such as processing, packaging, and system integration to meet the urgent needs of sensing technology in fields such as national defense, aerospace, industry, and healthcare. The main research directions of the laboratory include:

Principle, Design, and Manufacturing Technology of Sensors

Various physical quantity sensors, including inertial sensors such as acceleration and angular velocity, electric field sensors, pressure sensors, and aerospace optical sensors; Chemical quantity sensor; Biomass sensor; Gas sensors for physical and biochemical quantities, etc.

MEMS sensors and micro/nano manufacturing technology

Nano mechanical processing technology, nano integrated sensors, and nano electromechanical system technology

L Micro sensing system

Biochemical detection microsystem; SPR biochemical analyzer; Sensor and circuit integrated system.

Integrated sensor system

Sensor specific integrated circuit design; Micro sensor signal detection and processing circuit; Multi sensor integrated systems and components.

Intelligent sensor

Sensor network nodes

In the past 30 years since the construction of the laboratory, it has successively presided over the National Climbing Plan B, four "973" projects, and many important national scientific research projects from the "Seventh Five Year Plan" to the "13th Five Year Plan". It has carried out research on the processing technology and devices of micro/nano sensors and micro/nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS). For example, it has successfully developed micro electrostatic shaking motors, micro Harmonic oscillator, piezoresistive micro gyroscopes, and high impact acceleration sensors for the first time in China, High precision resonant pressure sensors and MEMS fiber optic sensors and other devices; Innovative work has been made in the fields of micro/nano cantilever beam sensors, biochemical micro sensing integrated chip systems (SOC), and research on micro/nano sensitive materials and effects based on self-assembly; In recent years, the laboratory has been catering to the important needs of various national security fields, such as liquid explosive detection and trace amounts of heavy metals